Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The moon?

The other day Raul told me that he wants to go to the moon. haha. He wants to be an astronaut and be in a rocket to the moon. Hmm...I asked him why? He said he wants to take the aliens back to earth and put them into the river. Well, I don't know why suddenly he wants the aliens to be in the river but it's great to have him thinking like that. At least, he has a dream to chase...:-)Kids are just so cute. They say the cutest thing.


  1. waaaaaa!!!! & my 7 yr old nephew told me tht hez goin to be a kung fu master whn he grows up!

  2. haha.. adorable.. but y the river ya? aiyoh nanti sampai my house in nagapas!!! lol

    hey y u never call me to join u at the gym??? sms ya

  3. Well, as for Declan he wants to be:
    1st option: fireman
    2nd option: pilot
    3rd option: doctor
    and if all three failed:
    he will be a lorry driver bawak babi!!
    Believe it or not?? Gila!

  4. Haha, maybe he wants to put the aliens in the Kimanis river so that the next time we go for a picnic there, he can swim with them. Those of you living close to Papar should go have a picnic at the Kimanis river at Kampung Kinolosodon and Kampung Wolit (along the Papar-Keningau road). Cool and clear waters that even the aliens would love.

  5. haha...funny.
    beware audrey. aliens might be in the stream in front of your house.

    doria: typical boy's ambitions. soon he'll want to be superman.

  6. just dropping by..
    did u ask him why he wants to put aliens under river?
    hahaha.. normally there is a reason behind and normally the creative ones too..
