Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, August 7, 2009


I just got back from the gym. My third day today. Hooray! I did it. So, i'll rest for two days. I'll go again next monday. I thought i want to spend the whole day sleeping tomorrow..but have to go to school. 'Sekolah Ganti'. Gosh, I hate that term. Why on earth do they exist now?

As I was struggling to complete my sets instructed by 'Mr.Coach', I saw a few posters with a saying (NO PAIN NO GAIN) pasted on the wall. true. But why is it that you feel the pain immediately but the 'gain' is very slow to achieve...
My biceps, triceps whatever they call it are hurting. That's a good sign i know. It means all the training are doing their jobs. Building and strengtening my muscles. BUT THEY HURT! huhu...


  1. LOL! I feel u gurl! I had to rest ystrdy bah...ter-over berlari kali tu ;( GO GADGET GO!hehe!

  2. No pain no gain. But "too pain no brain". Hahaha that's what Justin Sompong told me.

  3. ok this is regarding the comment you made on foot reflexology. it aint supposed to be painful if you are healthy. it helps you to find out problems in your body. my grandma does her feet everyday herself. i went once, and was glad that it was not painful. healthy lah i. haha

  4. ok, very nice,please show us your new reformed body,,,,, ya ?

  5. haha...soon. in two months time lah. NOT NOW!

  6. I'd really like to see that reformed body! In fact I'd like to ...... that reformed body!
