Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 27, 2009

troubles i like.

Raising 2 toddlers and a baby is really a challenge for my hubby and I. Well, many people say that it is easier to care for them when the children are almost the same age. You get to synchronise the time they wake up, take bath, breakfast, lunch, dinner and so on. You are even used to waking up at night to fulfil their needs. Hmm..there's a truth in that. BUT, having these kids mean we don't have much choice and time for ourselves. Well, when we go out shopping or just window shopping, we would choose a place where they will not get bored. Of course, we make sure we find some shops where they will be happy to go like the toy stores and all. We dont normally buy for them the toys we see and they dont really ask for them. They are happy just to have a look and play with the toys for a while. We are lucky in that sense.

When we want to eat out, we have to make sure there are food that the kids can eat and enjoy too. If we go out, we cannot really spend too long browsing on things cos they will get really bored and difficult. When we go out shopping in a supermarket, all three will want to sit in the trolley! So, can u imagine them in a trolley? Haha...the trolley is already full of them, where to put all the things we want to buy? We just squeeze them in. Haha...

Dont ask about travelling. There was an incident when we forgot to pay attention to Lisa while attending to the baby. She almost ran to the road! Whoa...And we have to hold their hands while crossing the road and sometimes they are choosy. Depending on their moods. Lisa likes holding my hands cos i walk slower than daddy and my hands are smaller in size. haha...

And inside the car. Sometimes when we have extra passenger (maybe the aunts or uncles or cousins) wants to ride with us Lisa will shove that person away. It seems that she doesnt want to share the seat. On the left side is her space. Raul on the other side. Ezra is in the middle. So no one else should be in the car with them. OMG! We should buy a van maybe. So each of them will have their own places.

But, with all the troubles mentioned above, we still love to bring them anywhere with us. We even travelled in our car from Papar, Sabah, to Kuching Sarawak in two days; with our two kids (Lisa was only 8 months old). So, i guess, having many kids does not stop us from enjoying life. We cant travel in peace if they are not with us. haha...


  1. This is very true Betty. We have a todler and a baby and we are in the exact same situation. But in 5 years' time, we can sit back and enjoy them grow, kan?

  2. at least your eldest boy can shower himself and even take care of his siblings. that's the problem with only child, ryan gets too much attention, tak boleh berdikari! i think when you go anywhere nowadays, it's the children's needs that come first, and it's a lot of work, but these children won't want our attention forever! tunggu sampai masa teenager...

  3. Yeah, I agree with Fely, susa2 dulu, nanti2 sanang sudah! But this "dulu" part seems very long oh!

  4. haha...fely, not sure if it's 5 yrs time. in my case, most probably 10 years.

    ash: dont worry, he'll come to that stage when he wants to do everything on his own. And, from what i heard, teenagers are the most difficult to handle. Aiyo..more headache lah nanti...

    anon: yes, the 'dulu' part seems very long indeed.

  5. Hello Tiee, being a mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in any field, since the payment is pure love.
    You got great looking kids there....
    Have a beautiful Sunday and a happy hari Merdeka. Lee.

  6. ya, enjoy while they r still enjoyable..

  7. adorable! 3 in just one trolley! =)

  8. Hi Tiee, just dropped by say hello.
    Oh ya, had a friend old days, she had 5 girls. I repeat...5 girls all about a year or two years difference....and 6th one? A boy.
    Needless to say that boy spoilt rotten, 6 women caring for him, ha ha. Lee.

  9. haha...what a lucky boy Uncle Lee.
